Written by: Manon van Mil, B.Cog.Sci.

You’re out for a walk: It’s sunny, and there’s a cool breeze. Your breath feels warm against your scarf—but everything else is frrreezing. Because it’s December. You know there are benefits to walking; yet between the short days, frigid temperatures, and slippery sidewalks, the two minutes to your car feel like too many.

‘Tis the season… to walk indoors! Don’t let winter winds keep you from wandering; there are too many reasons to walk to ‘wait it out.’


5 Benefits of Walking

1. We are constantly learning about new health benefits of walking—including strengthening bones, improving balance and coordination, lowering blood pressure, and weight maintenance.

2. Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week (at least!) You can exceed this goal by walking briskly for 30 minutes per day. Walking is an ideal aerobic exercise:it is low impact but uses over 200 muscles. Make sure that you can breathe, talk, and that your heart rate is at about 70% of its maximum.

3. Walking is also good for your mental health: Walking improves subjective well-being. One study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that walking for 30 minutes a day is more effective than antidepressants. A California State University study showed the people’s moods improved the more steps they took in a day. Walking further improves sleep quality and quantity.

4. Walking offers cognitive benefits; for example, a study in Neuroscience found that it improves attentional control in children. Another in Neurology showed that walking may improve memory in old age.

5. Finally, walking is a social activity. Sauntering with friends is its own reward—especially if we turn off or tune out the usual distractions! Even walking alone, we encounter neighbours of café-goers at eye level and (hopefully) say hello.

If you are looking for a safe place to walk this winter, use the newly renovated Fieldhouse. While there is nothing quite like a walk outside on a sunny day with a cool breeze, sometimes there is something better: a walk indoors in a bright space with new track.

 Written by: Manon van Mil, B.Cog.Sci.

Friday, November 28, 2014 in
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