The holidays are just around the corner, so you know there will be office-parties, Christmas get-togethers and family dinners. Often at these events there is an abundance of foods that will help pack on the pounds and inches you’ve worked so hard to shed off. Here are some tips to staying fit during the holidays:


1) Treat yourself, but remember moderation

If you’re craving a gingerbread cookie, have one. Small servings will help keep down the unhealthy food intake. Moreover, don’t miss a meal to counter the heavy turkey dinner or party food. Snacks with protein prior to the event can help keep you satisfied AND you will still be eating healthy. Spicy food can also help boost metabolism and help burn some extra calories.

2) Don’t forget liquid calories

Holiday festivities might mean glasses of wine, hot chocolate, egg nog, and other holiday drinks. This is where moderation arrives. The best thing to do is to watch how much you’re drinking of any drink, and try to limit it to one or two. Drink water as much as you can to help counteract the wanting to drink sweet drinks full of sugar. The increase of water intake will also help with the stress that may drive one to indulge in drinks full of sugar. Always remember liquid calories count!

3) Plan your workouts

The holidays can get busy, so it is best to stay ahead of the curve and know when you can or can’t go to the gym. If you know you can’t get to the gym or work out some days, then use those days to help your muscles recover. However, don’t get stuck being a couch potato and let all the food gather in your waistline. If you know you have an event at night, try to work out in the morning, helping to cut down your desire for unhealthy foods.

4) Find workouts you can do at home

Can’t find time to go to the gym? Do a quick 10-20 minute workout that gets your blood pumping. Some circuits could include jumping jacks, burpees, lunges, running on the spot, push-ups, skipping rope and more.

5) Don’t skip out on sleep

Late nights can take its’ toll and demotivate you to go to the gym, or even work out at all. The importance of sleep is so the body and mind can rest. If you want to reap the rewards of all your hard work in the gym, make sure you get enough sleep.

Written by Christiana Altamirano

Tuesday, December 2, 2014 in
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