Be S.M.A.R.T. about your New Year’s Resolutions

No matter what you’ve resolved to do this year, here are a few tips that can give you some support in reaching your goals.

Carleton ravens fitness working out in the multi purpose room

Plan ahead

Your resolution should be something that has meaning to you and not a decision made on a whim. You will have a greater chance of success if you take some time to think about the resolutions you want to make. Taking a bit of extra time to plan will ensure that your choice in resolution is actually a good fit for you which will make the resolutions you do make that much more achievable.

Set goals – be S.M.A.R.T.

Create a plan that will help you achieve your resolution. Simply stating that you want to “loose 10 lbs” or “eat healthier” is only the beginning. Setting smaller goals that will slowly progress you toward your end goal is critically important. These little goals are like stepping stones that can show you your progress as well as keep you motivated throughout the process.

Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. They should be specific to your bigger resolution but not too grandiose that they become a resolution in themselves. Measurable so that you can track the progress you are making which in turn keeps your momentum moving forward toward your goal. Achievable and realistic, here is where being real with yourself is key. If your goal is not realistic when it comes to you and the likelihood of achievement is precariously slim then your stepping stone goal has just set you up for failure rather than success. Keep it real and learn to be honest with yourself. Finally, make sure your specific goals are also timely. This ensures that you won’t get stuck in your progress and you will be able to feel the satisfaction of completing your smaller goals in your journey toward achieving your resolution.

Write it down


Putting pen to paper always makes things seem so much more important. If you are serious about your resolution and have taken the time to think about your S.M.A.R.T. goals then solidify their meaning by writing things down. This not only helps you stay focused but it also helps to visualize the plan you are about to undertake. By writing down the resolution and the stepping stone goals that you’ve created for yourself you can also come back to them and make changes when necessary.

Tell a friend

If these resolutions you are planning are important to you don’t keep them to yourself but spread the word. Tell your family and friends what your goals are and how you plan on achieving them. You might be surprised at the unsolicited support you will receive. By telling your friends you not only allow them to help you be more accountable to the process but you also ensure that they don’t inadvertently sabotage your progress.

Reward yourself

This is very important in staying motivated and focused on the goal but don’t get carried away. It is important to think a little outside the box when it comes to rewarding yourself for achieving those little milestones on your way to fully realizing your resolution. However, if your resolution involves weight loss don’t let food be your reward! The reward is a ‘thank you’ to yourself for a job well done, not an extravagant prize, so don’t let the reward become the goal.

Be kind to yourself – it is never all or nothing

When it comes to resolutions we have to realize that there will be some setbacks. If resolutions were easy then they wouldn’t really need to be resolutions. It takes approximately 21 days for something to develop into a regular routine and about 6 months of consistency for it to become part of your lifestyle. So, if a setback does occur revisit those stepping stone goals and don’t be afraid to make some changes.

Above all else try to make resolutions something that you ultimately want to do rather than have to do.

Good luck and learn to enjoy the process!

Sunday, January 12, 2014 in
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