Your very own Carleton Ravens Mascot is coming in clutch to provide you with his Top 5 Tips To Survive University Midterms.
Tip #1 Break a Sweat First.
According to Dr. Douglas B. McKeag, exercising shortly before studying (perhaps at our Fitness Centre), can make you more alert, open, and able to learn new information.
Tip #2 Print = Success.
Students require more repetition to learn new material when reading on a computer screen. Stick to paper. It’s in science.
Tip #3 Move Around.
Psychologist Robert Bjork suggests that merely moving to a different room to study or into the great outdoors can increase both your concentration and retention levels.
Tip #4 Listen to Music.
Playing certain types of music can help engage parts of the brain that help pay more attention and make predictions. Dance parties can be a good study break too.
Tip #5 Relax.
Stress lasting as briefly as a couple of hours can engage corticotropin-releasing hormones that disrupt the process of creating and storing memories. Take a deep breath; you’re doing great.
We hope these Top 5 Tips To Survive University Midterms were of any help to y’all.
Best of luck, Ravens!
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