Step 1: Register Online
- Visit and sign in with your Carleton User account.
- Click the Leagues icon and choose either Register as a Team or Register as an Individual.
- Select your program, add it to cart, proceed to checkout, and complete your payment.
Step 2: Download Fusion Play
- Download the Fusion Play app from the App Store or Google Play.
- Open the app and set your region to Canada.
Step 3: Create Your Fusion Play Account
- Log in to the app using your Carleton email via Carleton’s Single Sign-On (SSO).
- Complete your profile by adding your gender identity and emergency contact details.
Once registration closes, you’ll receive further information about your team details.
Team Captain Instructions:
An email will follow your registration with information on how to create and manage your team.
- Fall / Winter Registration
- By Phone: 613-520-4480
- Register in Person *
Registration by phone or in person is on available during our hours of operation. Register online 24/7. To register in person, visit our Welcome Centre in the Alumni Hall.