Step 1: Register Online

  1. Visit and sign in with your Carleton User account.
  2. Click the Leagues icon and choose either Register as a Team or Register as an Individual.
  3. Select your program, add it to cart, proceed to checkout, and complete your payment.

Step 2: Download Fusion Play

  1. Download the Fusion Play app from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Open the app and set your region to Canada.

Step 3: Create Your Fusion Play Account

  1. Log in to the app using your Carleton email via Carleton’s Single Sign-On (SSO).
  2. Complete your profile by adding your gender identity and emergency contact details.

Once registration closes, you’ll receive further information about your team details.

Team Captain Instructions:

An email will follow your registration with information on how to create and manage your team.


Registration by phone or in person is on available during our hours of operation. Register online 24/7. To register in person, visit our Welcome Centre in the Alumni Hall.