CUFIT Pass gives you access to all Pilates, Spin, Strength, Yoga, and Zumba classes. Instructional classes are not included as part of CUFit.

All Spin classes require sign-up to participate. Booking opens 3 days in advance.

Please note: We have experienced record-high demand in our popular Pilates class. To prioritize you, our CUFit Pass Members, effective immediately we are implementing the same registration system used for CUFit Spin classes for CUFit Pilates classes

CUFit Schedule is subject to change.

Cancellations / Studio Changes


Date Class Update
Thursdays CU Circuit Cancelled for remainder of Winter Schedule
Thursday, March 20 CU Spin Hiits @ 5:30 PM and 6:15 PM Cancelled


Become a Member

Please drop by the Welcome Centre to pay for a drop-in membership and test out our program or register today!

Payments are scheduled on a monthly basis.

Dates Times Student Fee General Fee
Monthly CUFit Pass (no end date) See schedule $28/month $37/month
CU Full School Year (Sept – April) See schedule $200 $237
CU Semester (Sept – Dec or Jan – April) See schedule $100 $132
CU Spring/Summer Semester See schedule $99 $105

Carleton faculty and staff can register for a CUFit Pass through payroll deduction. Deductions are $35 monthly, split across both pays.

CUFit Payroll Deductions

Want to try a class? Purchase a day pass for the facility or a fitness class pass!