As of Monday, August 1, 2022, members of the Carleton Athletics community will no longer be required to pre-book their visits to the Fitness Centre, Women’s Only Fitness Centre and Trans and Allies Fitness Space.
Women’s Only Fitness Centre and Trans & Allies Fitness Space hours will continue to be offered at their regularly scheduled times.
Bookings will continue for CUFit classes for the remainder of the Summer term.
Community members are reminded to bring their Campus Card with them at all times. Members will be required to swipe their card at both the Welcome Centre and the Fitness Centre Desk.
Please note that if pandemic circumstances were to change, the university may need to quickly reinstate the booking system. The University will continue to carefully monitor the situation and align with evolving public health advice and government requirements.
Monday, July 25, 2022 in Adaptive, Fitness, General, News, Personal Training, Student Life
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