Carleton Athletics is committed to improving your experience, over the past several months we have worked with our service providers to put systems in place to continually improve your registration experience.

This spring, when you visit our registration website, you’ll notice a few changes to the way you can navigate the system:

  1. Quicker and easier registration process – You can now select multiple weeks of program offerings for one registration or register multiple participants in the same process. This will eliminate the back-and-forth navigation and multiple checkouts.
  2. A single waiver – We’ve implemented a one waiver acceptancy for multiple registrations for the same participant to speed up your checkout time.
  3. A new layout – You’ll experience a more modern layout with improved performance including portal loading times and smoother navigation.

These changes to our system are in place now. You’re invited to take the time to navigate the system and get to know the new features before Junior Ravens registration opens on Wednesday, April 10.

Thursday, April 4, 2024 in , , , ,
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