Learn to Swim & Private/Semi-Private Lessons

Registration for Spring programing opens April 9th @ 9:00am.

Registration for the Winter programing is currently open.

Click on the programs listed below to learn more.

Swim For Life® Program Conversion Chart

*Parking in lot P5 is included in your registration. Details on how to validate parking can be found in your registration receipt.

Conversion Chart

Use this chart to determine the most appropriate Swim for Life/Canadian Swim Patrol program for young swimmer

If your child… City of Ottawa

Carleton Aquatics

Lifesaving Society Swim For Life® equivalent

Is 4 to 12 months old and ready to learn to enjoy the water with parent… Little Dippers Parent & Tot 1
Is 12 to 24 months old and ready to learn to enjoy the water with parent… Little Splashers Parent & Tot 2
Is 2 to 3 years old and ready to learn to enjoy the water with a parent… Little Jumpers Parent & Tot 3
Is 3 to 5 years and just starting out on his or her own…. Turtle Preschool 1
Can get in and out and jump into chest-deep water assisted; float and glide on front and back; blow bubbles and get face wet… Frog Preschool 2
Is 5+ years and just starting out on his or her own and can get in and out and jump into chest-deep water assisted; float and glide on front and back; blow bubbles and get face wet… Yellow 1 Swimmer 1
Can jump into chest-deep water; submerge and exhale underwater; float on front and back assisted for 3 sec… Loon Preschool 3
Is 5+ years and can jump into chest-deep water; submerge and exhale underwater; float on front and back assisted for 3 sec…  Swimmer 1
Can jump into deep water wearing a lifejacket; recover objects from the bottom; hold breath underwater; float, glide and kick on front and back… Otter Preschool 4
Is 5+ years and can jump into deep water wearing a lifejacket; recover objects from the bottom; hold breath underwater; float, glide and kick on front and back… Swimmer 1
Can do solo jumps into deep water; swim front crawl 5 m wearing a lifejacket and flutter kick on front, back and side… Beaver Preschool 5
Is 5+ years and can do solo jumps into deep water; swim front crawl 5 m wearing a lifejacket and flutter kick on front, back and side…  Coral 2 Swimmer 2
Is 5 to 12 years and just starting out… Yellow 1 Swimmer 1
Can jump into chest-deep water by themselves and into deep-water wearing a lifejacket; open eyes, hold breath, and exhale underwater; float, kick and glide on front and back… Coral 2 Swimmer 2
Can jump into deep water and do a sideways entry wearing a lifejacket; support self at the surface for 15 sec.; do whip kick in vertical position; and swim 10 m on front and back… Red 3 Swimmer 3
Can tread for 30 sec.; do kneeling dives and front somersaults; 10 m whip kick on back; and swim 15 m front crawl and back crawl… Magenta 4

Purple 5

Swimmer 4
Can complete the Canadian Swim to Survive Standard: Roll – Tread (1 min.) – Swim (50 m); dive; swim underwater; 15 m whip kick on front; breaststroke arms with breathing; and swim front and back crawl 25 m… Navy 6 Swimmer 5
Can do shallow dives and cannonballs; eggbeater and scissor kick; swim 50 m front and back crawl; breaststroke for 25 m; sprint 25 m; interval training 4 x 50 m… Aqua 7 Swimmer 6
Can do stride entries and compact jumps; legs- only surface support for 45 sec.; sprint 25 m breaststroke; swim 100 m of front crawl and back crawl and 300 m workout… Seafoam 8 Rookie Patrol
Preferred successful completion – Rookie Patrol Green 9 Ranger Patrol
Preferred successful completion – Ranger Patrol Lime 10 Star Patrol
Preferred successful completion – Star Patrol Bronze Star